Thoughts which form poetry, short stories, essays, and forms of mass media from a life form. Writings from a former spoken word artist, who called himself nabraska. Come in and enjoy some of the maddness from the perspective of a prisoner of the usa.

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Location: anytown, usa

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Obama for the Masses Part III

This is the third and final portion that I'll post about Barak Obama. As the videos will state, better than I, the reason(s) I can not support mr. obama. It took some time for me to put my finger on it, but I think, I now know and understand. I tried to put it in my last couple of blogs, but I feel that I was too forward for most. My reasoning is as follows: if/when obama becomes president most people (white and black, white mostly) will say that racism no longer exist; secondly, obama has said little to nothing about the oppression that Africans and other minorities face and deal with in this white supremacist, capitalistic society; finally, obama with all the hope he gives to amerikkka, he does not express this hope to he who is most like him, to he who needs it most--the young black male. It amazes me that while his father was African, he shuns that part of himself, therefore further suppressing Black African males at a time where there are few heroes. I don't want to have to say this, but my conscious forces me to make this comparison:

The House Negro and the Field Negro

Speech by Malcolm X

There were two kinds of Negroes. There was that old house Negro and the field Negro. And the house Negro always looked out for his master. When the field Negro got too much out of line, he held them back in check. He put ‘em back on the plantation.

The house Negro could afford to do that because he lived better than the field Negro. He ate better, he dressed better, and he lived in a better house. He lived right up next to his master-in the attic or the basement. He ate the same food his master ate and wore his same clothes. And he could talk just like his master-good diction. And he loved his master more than his master loved himself. That’s why he didn’t want his master hurt.

If the master got sick, he’d say, “What’s the matter, boss, we sick?” [Laughter] When the master’s house caught afire, he’d try and put the fire out. He didn’t want his master’s house burned. He never wanted his master’s property threatened. And he was more defensive of it than the master was. That was the house Negro.

But then you had some field Negroes, who lived in huts, had nothing to lose. They wore the worst kind of clothes. They ate the worst food. And they caught hell. They felt the sting of the lash. They hated their master. Oh yes, they did.

If the master got sick, they’d pray that the master died. [Laughter and Applause] If the master’d house caught afire, they’d pray for a strong wind to come along. [Laughter] This was the difference between the two.

mr. obama is a house negro, and we have yet to follow a true house negro until now...fully integrated into this wicked system. Watch the videos with a watchful eye, integrity of self, and truth from the eyes of that which has yet to know freedom

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Obama for the Masses
Part II

In this new millennium madness, we as Black Americans, African-Americans, (however we individually chose to describe ourselves) have, for better or worse, achieved a semblance of integration. We have traded in our Black Nationalist belief for a good job, a 401k plan, and positive paper clippings on our so-called community involvement.

About a year ago, the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, (NAACP) an organization formed around 1909, arbitrarily decided to have a funeral for the word nigger/nigga/niggah. Apparently, it is their intent to continue the work of balancing the races by ridding the english language of the word nigga/nigger/niggah. However, it seems that the association for colored people, thought the actions and actualities of niggas/niggers/niggahs would cease if we stopped using the word.

There inlaid the problem. Just because “prominent, affluent, and economically stable” associations of colored people ceased using the word does not mean that the people do not exist, and their actions do not exist—they do. For example, in the community where I live, it is probably 90% Black people, racially, and poor to middle class economically. During the summer, there were at least 4 shootings; one cop shooting that involved a nigga on his 4th strike, and a police intrusion into the store with guns drawn and children standing in line. At this corner store, where I work on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday nights, there are a accumulation of patrons that come in buying alcoholic drinks, cigars for blunts, and food; sober, high, and drunk. As a co-worker put it so eloquently: “I call ‘em like I see ‘em. Not every female is a lady, not every male is a brotha’, and the only thing higher than the store prices—is the customers.” Now don’t get me wrong, I love my community, it is filled with Africans, African-Americans, Blacks, Native Americans, Hispanics, Whites, Trailer Trash, and Niggas. However, what concerns me most, are my niggas.

Black Nationalism has not fully recovered from Brother Malcolm’s assassination in ’65, and King never was able to address his poor peoples campaign before ’68; these are two important actions that hurt poor Black people, politically and vocally. After 1968, The Black Panther Party for Self Defense came into play. We forget that The Black Panther Party was established as a political party with its’ platform being Black Nationalism and self-defense. (I believe) The Black Panther Party was excellent with its rhetoric and community organizing, yet it did much like the other civil rights organizations after COINTELPRO—the remaining leaders achieved status, fame, and positions, while the people were left behind. It was the people who were left with empty liquor bottles, crack vials, pipes, second-class education, no economy, and athletic dreams, along a road of despair. 40 years down that road, we have broken businesses, a family structure that is comprised of baby mamas/daddies, and an integrated life structure that seeks to deny niggas yet again the “american dream” of true hope.

So here we stand, 8 years into the “new millennium” with the same problem from the two previous millennia—what to do with the tired, the poor, and the hungry. On the hill of hope arises a young, bright-eyed, articulate, and moving speaker who appears to be Black. Appearances aside we learn Barak Obama is of mixed descent; one half uplifted and brought to the forefront, as the other half lies in shadows of shame—he is a Christian with an Islamic name, but a Christian, always has been.

This man is not a Morehouse man, or a HBCU man, or a child of the movement; this is an Ivy League educated man, fully integrated with the belief in the amerikkkan system of yes we can.

Please allow me to pause for a quick story. A few weeks back, while working at the corner store, two young people were in line; one male, one female. The young male was attempting to get the female’s phone number, discretely. While flipping through a magazine with Obama on the cover, she held it up and loudly yelled, “Niggah, you can’t get shit till you step ya’ game up like Obama!” It almost shocked me, and after thinking for a minute, I got real nervous.

As a people, trapped Afrikans in amerikkka, we have survived with the assistance of three things: sense of higher self, (religion/spirituality) sense of community, (he may be a nigga, but that’s still my people, that’s still me) and black womb(man)/man connection and solidarity. Nowhere is that more apparent than in the ‘hood. Historically, through our situation, whether it be slavery, civil rights, integration, hip-hop, (to a certain extent) or Y2K, Black Women have stayed by the side, and uplifted her equal counter-part, the Black Man.

With this new generation of youth whose thinking has been engrained with integration, I do not have much hope for my niggas. For clarity, my niggas/niggahs are those who are poor, saggin’ pants, can’t get a small business loan, young, old, broke, woman, man, tattooed, dealer/user of so-called drugs, hard-workin’, part-time job havin’, hustlin’, grindin’, broken-english usin’, makin’-a-way-out-of-no-way, with little or no help niggas!!

I tend to focus more on males than I do females because, for whatever reasons, our young Black female (niggas) get it. The ratio of young Black females to young Black males who are in college are 3 to 1; for every three females, in college, there is one male.

Obama does not speak on this.
Obama is running as amerikkka’s president.
Has integration helped us (Blacks/niggas)—in reality??
Obama believes in integration, he is a politician.

White liberals are scared of niggas/niggahs/niggers; the time has past for one people to be afraid of self. White liberals believe we should forget the past (reparations) and leave niggas/niggahs/niggers behind. Economically stable, so-called African-Americans are no different than white liberals. White sheep and brown sheep are being led by a great herder, while the masses of poor and niggas are being left behind. (Maybe, they are too ignorant to understand they are supposed to be sheep.)

In short, I have listened to both parties (republican and democrat) speak on the war, security, world leaders, the economy, and middle class. I have yet to hear the word poor, when it comes to a group of people. Wake up, poor people still exist; they make less than $40,000 a year. $250,000 a year to most poor people classifies richness. I’ve heard about tax breaks, and green jobs, but nothing about how this will affect my niggas/niggers/niggahs. I haven’t heard anything about a crime bill (code for getting niggas off the street) institutionalized racism, the prison industrial complex, america’s political prisoners, Katrina, Jena 6, or Mumia….I think the crime bill silence scares me the most.

Conspiracy? Black Separatist? Revolutionary? Vote Splitter? Crazy? I’ll be that—gladly! I just ask for those who are niggas, for those who still consider their Blackness, for those who truly care about the poor, and for those who are conscious—to question. Look at the choices (third party, Green Party included) and let your conscience be your voice….

Friday, October 17, 2008

mass comm.
(things mama told me not to talk about in public)

there are
over 60 clickable phrases,
5 picture, at least one video,
array of colors, search engines with
a thousand parts, a million pages, images,
and thoughts for every person on the face of the earth
….and this is just the homepage.
isn’t there something in some scripture,
or text, or holy book, that says something about
connection, communication, and knowledge
that shouldn’t be reached.
because we are human.
because we ate the apple.
because we have imagination.
because we have free will.
sign in, log on, connect your neck,
sever your head, with a server, drink a brew,
and go forth…..
into the future.
flying cars are still
the pinnacle as we thirst behind
$3 a gallon gas.
war, bush, palin, obama, clemente, mccain, biden, cheney, mckinney, and peace, and pieces
of particles that we call knowledge.
the revolution, the struggle, the conspiracy, heaven, earth, hell, and all points in between.
care about a future
that none of us will live long enough to see.
and if we live that long, then
fuck enjoyment, because no friends will be there to enjoy it….
destiny, pessimist, doomsday prophet….huh, profit—
do words that sound alike, but are spelled differently, with different meanings
bother anyone but me.
jesus, allah, jah, yahweh, buddha,
obama, war, bush, lincoln, kennedy, king, malcolm, gandhi, mother teresa, princess diana, mandela, einstein, stalin, kruschev, newton, elizabeth, george,
queens, presidents, kings, dictators, priest, holy men/women
then report it on your blog,
post it on your board,
text it to your closest friend,
email it from your contact list—
so they can respond, and you can respond to theirs—
but don’t speak on it from a street corner,
with a bull horn. police will come and cart you away.
personal freedom, in house, safe from physical destruction, in the street.
sleepwalk on a blue ball in space spinning, think:
there is no life in the universe but i,
but us, Australia, Antarctica, North America, Africa, South America, Europe, Asia….
please refer to lines 9, 26, and 35, in vanity.
now put the mouse on that, look it up—
then make it your homepage.

fuck a copyright, the people will disseminate it to the people, and the author will be known

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Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Obama for the Masses
Part I

Let me preface this blog with this statement: I think it is a good thing that an African-American male has won the Democratic nominee for president of the United States. However, I am not a supporter of Mr. Obama. I have been and always will be a supporter of Black Nationalism. I would like Americans to take a real look at itself, as well as integration, as well as the history of Blacks here in America.

I cannot support Obama for several different reasons, yet the one that tops the list is that he is more of a politician than a person. Granted Obama is a great orator, he is inspiring, however, he is a lawyer, as well as a politician. Politicians are known to say one thing to the people and then do the opposite—Obama is no different. The thing that makes Mr. Obama different is the fact that he was born in 1960; a baby during the Civil Rights Movement. Mr. Obama and I share something in common, we both had our formal years shaped in a so-called integrated society. The generations that grew up in a segregated society had the advantage of going to a school with black teachers who not only taught them the “meat and potato” subjects, but also taught them life, and how to live as a Black person in America, with pride. The generation that Mr. Obama and I grew up in is different in that we had white teachers, administrators, etc, that may not have been able to guide us in the most correct direction. The difference between Mr. Obama and myself is that he has an ivy league education and I chose to attend an HBCU. As a 3rd generation integrated individual, I know that racism still exist, I know that there are niggas (no matter what the NAACP says) Blacks, and African-Americans, and I know that the federal government will never have “the people’s” interest truly at heart.

Brother Malcolm X, El Hajj El Malik Shabazz, was a revolutionary thinker and profit because he never supported integration. From an American perspective, it is 2008, all people have equal rights, and for the most part, America is a good country. From a honest perspective, it’s 2008, racism exist covertly by both black and white, (it’s more economically based today) sexism is running rampant, fear has consumed the psyches of Americans, we are continuing a pre-emptive war, supported by falsehoods, the economy is in shambles, and we as trapped Africans are still behind enemy lines even if a so-called Black person is running for president of the United States. Brother Malcolm understood that this country was built on shaky stilts to say the least, and he also understood that the masses of African Americans were not on the same page; therefore, when one props up a half read book on a faulty foundation, the book is sure to fall. He did not want to see us fall due to the faultiness of America.

Now some may feel that I’m hatin’ on Obama because we as Black folk, love to hate on another. Please understand, that is not the case. I respect the man for attempting to make a change and I respect his wife more because I know Michelle keeps him grounded. I think the Rev. Wright situation was crazy because of the way it was handled. Was Rev. Wright wrong—not by any means, was Obama wrong, only when his distanced himself from the Rev. and the way he did it. The integration generation are believers that the word ‘nigger, nigga, nigguh’ should have a resting place along with racism; niggas exist as well as racism, so there’s no need to stop using the word until niggas are no longer in existence, and racism will continue until Shaniquia Jenkins won’t have to put S. Jenkins on her resume to get granted an interview.

One has to understand that I’ve never considered myself American. As I stated before, I believe in Black Nationalism. I believe that Obama is the best man from the two party system, however we have a choice in the ballot that we cast, and there are more than just the two parties. Thank you for taking the time to read this and watch the videos…..there will be more.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Pain of Overstandin

Overstand eclipses
that enveloped particles
of energy that was
engineered eleven doubled.
It’s a time frame,
break down 22 years
of learning, searching;
then being forced to
rewind when the
soul touches the
95th degree parallel.
You see
Afrika is the
Amerikkka is the
and Omaha is
Barren are the
prairie fields,
ripped by wagons
which were covered;
protection and deception
used to decimate
a people,
as their tears
created mud.
Horses were stuck
yet the owners’
will were strong,
as today it remains;
the pain caused
still cuts deep
for refusal of history
does not balance
when truth and liberty
becomes a falsity
upon their thinly pressed
Too much overstanding
for a brutalized people
who no longer
recognize the scars
left from whips,
22 years of learnedness
so, I must drink to dull the pain
as I see
scantily dressed queens
shakin’ hips….
in new millennium juke joints.
Blunts for my brothers
as they search out
wanting to release their
between 2 thighs,
so high, they think
they can fly,
coming unprotected
between both sets
of parted lips.
This is new millennium
pain therapy.
Dr. Welsing only
touched the surface,
for we are faced with
deep psychological
And for those of
us with overstanding,
stagnation is noticed
frame, by frame, by frame.
It is not easy
on Babylonian streets.
Lot didn’t look back,
couldn’t look back;
pain deep, shepard
for the sheep,
the Most High
was forced to
slaughter; I wish
I didn’t overstand
what is happening to
our Northside
sons and daughters.
For every generation
made mistakes
as mine is no different;
we allowed Hip-Hop
to become a commodity
because we hungered
for dinner.
If we could only
witness Mama flashin’
them flood lights and
come in and listen.
They thought integration
was best, yet now
our unity is missin’,
and missin’, and missin.
What’s the mission?
as we set our sights
on houses painted
Let us be truly
and for once use insight
with hindsight
to get it right.
For November 5th in
the early A.M.
nothing will change
for this captive
It is up to us
to begin to heal
our own
Think Omaha,
think BPC,
think USA,
see what I see,
understand what I overstand
and I will continue
to extend the hand
so connections
will be constant and pure—
over the covers
and out the manure.
ã2008 Clarence Barbee

Tuesday, October 07, 2008

10.07 in memory.....

Monday, October 06, 2008

10.07 in memory.....

Wednesday, October 01, 2008

sometimes words don't get it...and if a picture is worth a thousand words, then watch these vids and get some meaning...