Thoughts which form poetry, short stories, essays, and forms of mass media from a life form. Writings from a former spoken word artist, who called himself nabraska. Come in and enjoy some of the maddness from the perspective of a prisoner of the usa.

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Location: anytown, usa

Thursday, August 28, 2008


give thanks

thank u to all poets and supporters who came out to cheaters for say word wednesdays. the show is canceled. you are a blessing unto yourself. love poetry.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

chance lost

it's low energy

retreat to what

i thought knew me—


now caved is the chest

and hollow be

what's left.

i'm fiction,

take all your thoughts

of my diction,

and burn it up.

let that smoke rise

and still ain't no


ready to cut this hair

and join forces

with the air,

u still don't know me.

joy from this—

no more.

fuck open doors,

poetry, and spoken word.


not i—

a liar in the 21st century.

no one knows the real me.

god is dead

if there ever was one;

i dare u to come


absentee landlord,

read that bullshit footprints

and still classify the great story(ies)

as whores.

control the masses,

take their glasses, and

call them asses,

for believers are donkeys

white folks honkies

and blacks be niggers

hispanics are spicks

where is my fuckin' trigger.

this ain't no call for help,

the poet is already gone…

so hit your fuckin' bong,

get along with your neighbor

and fuck life.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Can U say success? Can U say poets, can U say support??...Well we can!! Much luv and respect to all the poets who came out and luv and respect to the ones who came out and supported.

Big ups to Real Thought who came through with family who supports--that's real!! Big up to Prahduct, who came and blazed the mic, she brought support and poets!! Big up to all the poets: Dave "the Professor" Hubbard, Chris Parmley, Devel Crisp, Ms. Mary, and JoAnnna "Justice" LeFlore. Big Ups to the DJ on the night, DJ Skyscraper!!!

I had fun family and can't wait to do it again in two weeks. The next show will be on the 27th. So that's 8.27.08 back @ Cheaters. So remember to tell a friend to tell a friend, and have a poet bring a poet, and we'll get on the mic and do the damn thang once again. We will respect the mic and shut down those who don't!!

So again, thanks to all who came out, and for those who weren't able, we hope to see you on the 27th for a poetically great time!!!

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Wednesday, August 13, 2008